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WhatsApp | Signal | Telegram
By contacting us via WhatsApp, you agree to your Data (in particular telephone number and name) will be passed on to Facebook and WhatsApp. WhatsApp Inc. shares information worldwide, both internally with the Facebook companies and externally with companies, service providers and partners and also with those with whom you communicate worldwide. Your information may be used for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy for example to the USA or transferred or transmitted to other third countries or stored and processed there become. Since we do not store contacts on our smartphones, we ask you when communicating always state your name.
By contacting us via Signal, you agree to the processing of your data (in particular telephone number and name) will be passed on to Signal.
Your information may be used for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy for example to the USA or transferred or transmitted to other third countries or stored and processed there.
Since we do not store contacts on our smartphones, we ask you when communicating always state your name.
By contacting us via Signal, you agree to the processing of your data (in particular telephone number and name) will be passed on to Signal.
Your information may be used for the purposes described in this privacy policy For example, transferred to the USA or other third countries for the purposes described transmitted or stored and processed there.
Since we do not store contacts on our smartphones, we ask you when communicating always state your name.
Do you still have any unanswered questions?
We would be happy to provide you with advice and support, by phone or email, as far as we can is possible. Unfortunately, we only have publicly available information available.